Dental Implants

Are you losing confidence due to missing or displaced teeth? Finding it hard to eat certain foods?

Dental implants offer a permanent solution for your missing teeth. A dental implant is essentially a substitute for a natural root and commonly it is screw or cylinder shaped. Each implant is placed into a socket carefully drilled at the precise location of the intended tooth. Often the implant can be placed at the same time as removal of the tooth, all on the same day.

Dental Implants offer some really exciting benefits to patients:

  • Restoring the mouth as closely as possible to its natural state
  • Increasing comfort by eliminating loose fitting dentures
  • An end to restricting food choices due to loose fitting dentures
  • Avoid filing down healthy neighbouring teeth (as with a conventional bridge)
  • Preserve facial structure by virtually stopping deterioration of the jaw
  • Providing a more natural smile and improving appearance and self-esteem

At Purley Dental we’ll help restore the shape of your teeth with effective dental implants at prices that won’t burn a hole in your wallet. With years of experience, our team of specialists will do everything to get you smiling again.